Comments from Healthcare Providers
“The prepping of nutrient dense foods, raised or grown sustainably, humanely and
bio-dynamically or organically is my passion. As a nutritionist, specializing in GAPS
and gluten free diets, I am constantly on the search for optimum sources of foods for
myself and my clients. Several years ago, I met and spoke with George and Eiko
Vojkovich of Skagit River Ranch and paid a visit to the farm. I was impressed by
their passion to not only bring high quality meats to the markets but to pasture
raise their livestock as humanely and sustainably as possible. It is a wonderful
experience to be able to give thanks at the dining table, knowing that the meat in
front of me comes from an animal that had lived a good and natural life and was
treated well. Thank you George, Eiko and Nicole for all that you do." Evelyn Lim, NTP, LMP,
CHFS, GAPSP, CGFC Ki Bodyworks |
I have been recommending pasture fed meat to my patients for years. The difference between animals raised conventionally in confinement, fed corn, soy and other products vs. animals raised on grass is dramatic. The nutritional content is much higher in pasture fed animals and the effect on our health is so much more favorable. In some preliminary studies humans eating grass fed meat had lower cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers than those eating conventionally fed animals. I have had patients tell me that they can tell the difference in their health when they start eating grass fed meat. Not only is this type of meat more healthy, but it sustainable and helps promote a well balanced eco system
On a personal note, our family eats almost exclusively pasture fed meat. George and Eiko at Skagit River Ranch have been feeding my family for years. I know they take great care of their land and animals. Their land is certified organic and no chemicals or pesticides are used on their grass. When going to a barbecue, I have even been asked to bring Skagit River Ranch hamburgers because people remember their amazing taste. As a health care provider and father, I can’t imagine recommending or eating any other type of meat.
Dr. David Ramaley, N.D., D.C.
Dr. Ramaley is a naturopath and chiropractor and practices in Seattle, WA. He often gives tours of the Farmers Market to promote local and sustainable foods and believes that food is our best medicine. |
I have been teaching students at Bastyr University to be curious, very curious, about where food in the grocery store comes from since 1994. When Michael Pollan’s book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, hit the book shelves I was thrilled to see this challenge mirrored but also became compelled to seek out ranchers in the Puget Sound area who were raising grass-fed animals using sustainable, humane practices. Jo Robinson’s site “Eat Wild’ led me to George and Eiko and Skagit River Ranch. Yes they were exclusively grass-feeding their cattle but I found out that was only the beginning of the magic happening on their ranch. Step one was to buy their product – outstanding! I had never eaten meat and eggs that tasted so clean, so lean and rich at the same time. Step two – invite George and Eiko to lecture to my classes at Bastyr. Their appearance has become something of a tradition now. Each time they speak to the students I see eyes light up, students finally putting together the government subsidies, the cheap corn fed to animals that are ill and how it can all be so different. Each time George and Eiko graciously come to speak I experience another brand new “ah-ha” moment too – like how the pigs need carbon, how the offal won’t break down from commercially-raised cows, how the processing unit is unparalleled in cleanliness and efficiency. Most of the diseases Americans suffer from (inflammation nation!) can be cured by choosing and eating a better diet. I’m not talking about organic Oreos – I mean a diet where you truly understand and appreciate where the food came from and what it does or doesn’t have to offer your body. In this sense George and Eiko are allowing each of us in the Puget Sound area to live the dream of a healthy well-functioning body by providing their incomparable products to us. Cynthia Lair Assistant Professor and Culinary Curriculum Director, Bastyr University Cynthia is the author of two cookbooks and the host of Cookus Interruptus, an online cooking show at |
“I'd like to tell you about Skagit River Ranch (north of Seattle) and the public farm tour some of our employees and I attended in September. George Vojkovich, his wife Eiko, and daughter Nicole were hosts of the wonderful event. They farm about 800 acres of mostly beef cattle; however they have many acres around their home and farm store where they raise pigs, chickens, and turkeys as well. The most amazing thing to me is how George analyzes the diet and habitat of all the animals and adjusts the feed each year or season, as need be, in order to get the very best meat to feed our human bodies. There's not one kernel of corn on the farm. The chickens are pasture raised, eating green grass and certain organic grains and flax that are milled right there on the farm. Skagit River Ranch beef is 100% grass-fed, pasture finished, and certified organic, meeting stringent guidelines to be USDA certified. Their beef has six times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids than grain fed animals. All their cattle are born and raised on their pastures using a rotational grazing system. They are truly "happy" cows next door to happy chickens and pigs. Along with their beef, we sell Skagit River Ranch's eggs - wow! The yolks are golden and delicious. Be sure to read inside the carton for a description of the farm. We watched the chickens running around in the grassy field, dusting themselves in the dirt (as they like to do) and going into their house whenever they wish. Happy, happy chickens! I could go on and on about this farm. Needless to say, I was really excited about everything I saw and hated to leave. The USDA even came to the farm recently to see how the cows are humanely slaughtered and were duly impressed. The more I learned about the difference between "grocery store meat" and Skagit River Ranch meat and eggs, the more I know the importance of consuming only these old-fashioned, ethically-raised animals. Their farm store is open Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm all year. You can look around the farm and have a cup of coffee on them. For directions, go to - it's worth the trip!" Marlene Beadle |
"I am a chiropractor, an athlete, and a long time practitioner of the martial and movement arts. I have always had an interest in nutrition and physical exercise and as a health care practitioner I have made it an important part of my practice to talk with patients about their health choices. These days more and more people are becoming aware that what we eat, how we eat, and how we move, rest and think are some of our most powerful tools for reclaiming, maintaining and improving our health.
A key thing with respect to what we eat is not only what types of foods we eat but how they were grown and raised. I am a firm believer in the use of animal products in our diet to give our bodies all the nutrients that we need. Key to the inclusion of animal products in our diets is that they are raised sustainably, naturally, and free of drugs and chemicals as much as possible.
Here in the Pacific Northwest we are truly blessed with the scope of farmers and ranchers that raise food in the healthiest manner possible. Healthiest for those of us who consume it, healthiest for the plants and animals that are being grown and raised and ultimately healthiest for the planet itself. I am so glad to live in a place where we have access to a vibrant farmer's market. I make it a regular part of my week to go to the local farmer's market on Sundays. It is important to me to not only get the best food I can but to also create and nourish relationships with those wonderful folks who are creating the food I buy.
Skagit River Ranch is right at the top of my list in this regard. They have the best meat and eggs on the planet. It's true, I am one of those people that goes to the farmer's market in Ballard early every Sunday morning - at least a half hour before it opens (!) to be at the front of the line for the eggs from Skagit River Ranch. Over the years I have gotten to know George, Eiko, their daughter Nicole and the other fine folks who work there. Now I know that not only do they take amazing care of their animals and their land but they also put themselves, the love and energy they have for what they do and all of us, directly into their products. I am so glad to know these people. I am glad to be spending my money with them. And I am happy to recommend that people try their products - something I do on a regular basis. If you have not yet tried their various goodies you owe it to yourself to go find them at one of the markets they come to... you are definitely in for a treat.
Dr. Gary Moskowitz, D.C. Turning Point Chiropractic |
Tel: 360-856-0722 Fax: 360-856-1372